Terms & Conditions

1. Introduction

These Terms and Conditions ("Terms") govern the use of services provided by  Arotalk Global Private Limited ("Company," "we," "us," or "our") to any individual or entity ("User," "you," or "your"). By accessing or using our services, you agree to be bound by these Terms. If you do not agree with these Terms, you should not access or use our services.

2. Service Provision

Service Provision Policy

1. Introduction

1.1. Purpose: This Service Provision Policy outlines the principles and procedures governing the provision of services by  Arotalk Global Private Limited ("the Company") to its clients or users ("Clients").

1.2. Scope: This policy applies to all services provided by the Company, including but not limited to software development, IT consulting, technical support, and any other professional services.

2. Service Offering

2.1. Scope of Services: The Company offers a range of IT services tailored to meet the needs of its clients. These services may include:

         Software development and customization

         IT infrastructure design and implementation

         Cloud computing solutions

         Data management and analytics

         Cybersecurity services

         Technical support and maintenance

2.2. Customization: Services provided by the Company may be customized to suit the specific requirements and objectives of each Client, ensuring maximum value and effectiveness.

3. Service Level Agreement (SLA)

3.1. SLA Development: The Company shall work with each Client to establish a Service Level Agreement (SLA) defining the scope, objectives, performance metrics, and responsibilities for the services provided.

3.2. Performance Metrics: SLAs may include performance metrics such as uptime, response time, resolution time, and service availability, tailored to the nature of the services provided.

3.3. Review and Monitoring: SLAs shall be regularly reviewed and monitored to ensure compliance with agreed-upon standards and to identify areas for improvement.

4. Service Delivery

4.1. Professionalism: The Company shall provide services in a professional manner, utilizing industry best practices, methodologies, and standards.

4.2. Qualified Personnel: Services shall be delivered by qualified and experienced personnel with relevant expertise and certifications, ensuring high-quality and reliable outcomes.

4.3. Communication: The Company shall maintain open and transparent communication with Clients throughout the service delivery process, providing regular updates, progress reports, and addressing any concerns or inquiries promptly.

5. Service Continuity and Disaster Recovery

5.1. Continuity Planning: The Company shall have in place comprehensive continuity and disaster recovery plans to ensure uninterrupted service delivery in the event of unforeseen circumstances or emergencies.

5.2. Backup and Redundancy: Critical systems and data shall be backed up regularly and redundancies implemented to minimize the risk of service disruptions and data loss.

6. Client Engagement and Feedback

6.1. Client Engagement: The Company shall actively engage with Clients to understand their requirements, expectations, and feedback, ensuring alignment and satisfaction throughout the service engagement.

6.2. Feedback Mechanisms: Feedback mechanisms shall be established to solicit input from Clients regarding their experience with the Company's services, enabling continuous improvement and enhancement.

7. Confidentiality and Data Security

7.1. Confidentiality: The Company shall maintain strict confidentiality regarding Client information, data, and proprietary information disclosed in the course of service provision, adhering to all applicable laws and regulations.

7.2. Data Security: The Company shall implement robust security measures to safeguard Client data and information against unauthorized access, disclosure, or alteration, utilizing encryption, access controls, and other industry-standard practices.

8. Policy Review and Update

8.1. Review: This Service Provision Policy shall be reviewed periodically to ensure its effectiveness and alignment with changing business needs, technological advancements, and regulatory requirements.

8.2. Update: Updates and revisions to this policy shall be communicated to all relevant stakeholders, and employees shall acknowledge their understanding and acceptance of the updated policy.

9. Conclusion

This Service Provision Policy ensures that the Company delivers high-quality, reliable, and tailored IT services to its Clients, fostering trust, satisfaction, and long-term partnerships.

10. Contact Information

For inquiries or assistance regarding service provision, please contact the customer service department at +91 848 284 1413.

3. Payment Terms

Payment Terms Policy

1. Introduction

1.1. Purpose: This Payment Terms Policy outlines the principles and procedures governing the payment terms and conditions for services provided by  Arotalk Global Private Limited ("the Company") to its clients ("Clients").

1.2. Scope: This policy applies to all clients engaging the services of the Company, including but not limited to software development, IT consulting, technical support, and any other professional services.

2. Payment Obligations

2.1. Invoice Issuance: The Company shall issue invoices to Clients for services rendered, in accordance with the terms and conditions agreed upon in the service agreement or contract.

2.2. Payment Due Date: Unless otherwise specified in the service agreement or contract, invoices shall be due for payment within [number] days from the date of issuance ("Payment Due Date").

2.3. Late Payments: In the event of late payment, interest may be charged on the outstanding amount at a rate of [percentage] per annum, compounded monthly, from the Payment Due Date until the date of payment.

3. Payment Methods

3.1. Accepted Payment Methods: Payments may be made by the following methods:

      Bank transfer or wire transfer

      Credit card or debit card

      Online payment platforms

      Other mutually agreed-upon methods

3.2. Currency: Payments shall be made in the currency specified in the invoice, unless otherwise agreed upon by the Parties.

4. Taxes and Fees

4.1. Taxation: Clients are responsible for all applicable taxes, duties, or other governmental charges arising from the provision of services by the Company, excluding taxes based on the Company's net income.

4.2. Fees: Clients may be responsible for any bank fees, currency conversion fees, or other charges associated with the payment method chosen.

5. Payment Disputes

5.1. Dispute Resolution: In the event of a dispute regarding an invoice or payment, Clients shall notify the Company promptly, providing details of the dispute and supporting documentation.

5.2. Resolution Process: The Company shall investigate the dispute in a timely manner and work with the Client to resolve the issue amicably. If resolution cannot be reached, the matter may be escalated to formal dispute resolution mechanisms as outlined in the service agreement or contract.

6. Payment Terms Agreement

6.1. Acceptance: By engaging the services of the Company, Clients agree to abide by the payment terms and conditions outlined in this policy and any additional terms specified in the service agreement or contract.

6.2. Acknowledgment: Clients acknowledge that failure to comply with the payment terms may result in suspension or termination of services, as well as additional fees or penalties as outlined herein.

7. Policy Review and Update

7.1. Review: This Payment Terms Policy shall be reviewed periodically to ensure its effectiveness and alignment with changing business needs, regulatory requirements, and industry standards.

7.2. Update: Updates and revisions to this policy shall be communicated to all relevant stakeholders, and Clients shall acknowledge their understanding and acceptance of the updated terms.

8. Payment Terms: No Refunds

      By engaging in business with Arotalk Global Private Limited, the customer agrees to the following payment terms:

      8.1 All payments are non-refundable.

      8.2. Once payment is made for goods or services rendered by [Company Name], no refunds will be issued under any circumstances.

      8.3 In the event of dissatisfaction with the goods or services provided, the customer may request adjustments or replacements, but refunds will not be                   granted.

      8.4 Payment must be made in full prior to the delivery of goods or commencement of services.

9. Conclusion

This Payment Terms Policy ensures transparency, clarity, and fairness in the payment process for services provided by the Company, fostering mutual trust, satisfaction, and long-term partnerships with Clients.

10. Contact Information

For inquiries or assistance regarding payment terms, please contact the finance department at +91 848 284 1413.

4. Intellectual Property

Intellectual Property Policy

1. Introduction

1.1. Purpose: This Intellectual Property (IP) Policy outlines the principles and procedures governing the creation, ownership, protection, and use of intellectual property by  Arotalk Global Private Limited ("the Company").

1.2. Scope: This policy applies to all employees, contractors, customer's, consultants, and third parties engaged in activities related to the Company, including but not limited to software development, IT consulting, technical support, and any other professional services.

2. Definition of Intellectual Property

2.1. Intellectual Property: Intellectual property refers to creations of the mind, including inventions, designs, literary and artistic works, symbols, names, and images used in commerce. It encompasses various forms of IP rights, such as patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets.

2.2. Ownership Categories: Intellectual property created in the course of employment or engagement with the Company may fall into one or more of the following categories:

      Inventions and patents

      Copyrightable works

      Trademarks and trade names

      Trade secrets and confidential information

3. Ownership of Intellectual Property

3.1. Company Ownership: Except as otherwise agreed in writing, all intellectual property created by employees, contractors, or third parties in the course of their engagement with the Company shall be owned exclusively by the Company.

3.2. Assignment of Rights: Employees, contractors, and third parties shall promptly and fully disclose all intellectual property created in connection with their work for the Company and shall assign all rights, title, and interest in such intellectual property to the Company.

3.3. Exceptional Circumstances: In exceptional cases where intellectual property is created outside the scope of employment or engagement with the Company, and without the use of Company resources or confidential information, ownership may be retained by the creator, subject to any applicable agreements or arrangements.

4. Employee and Contractor Agreements

4.1. Employment Agreements: All employees shall sign an employment agreement or similar document containing provisions related to intellectual property ownership and confidentiality.

4.2. Contractor Agreements: Contractors, consultants, and third-party vendors shall sign agreements containing provisions specifying the ownership of intellectual property created during the engagement and obligations regarding confidentiality and non-disclosure.

5. Protection of Intellectual Property

5.1. Registration: The Company shall take appropriate measures to protect its intellectual property rights, including but not limited to patent, copyright, trademark, and trade secret registration, where applicable.

5.2. Confidentiality: The Company shall implement policies and procedures to safeguard confidential information and trade secrets from unauthorized disclosure or use.

6. Use and Licensing

6.1. Internal Use: The Company shall have the right to use and exploit all intellectual property owned by it for internal business purposes, including but not limited to product development, marketing, and commercialization.

6.2. Licensing: The Company may license or sublicense its intellectual property to third parties under terms and conditions determined by the Company.

7. Enforcement

7.1. Enforcement Actions: The Company shall take appropriate legal action to enforce its intellectual property rights against unauthorized use, infringement, or misappropriation by third parties.

8. Policy Review and Update

8.1. Review: This Intellectual Property Policy shall be reviewed periodically to ensure its effectiveness and alignment with changing laws, regulations, and business needs.

8.2. Update: Updates and revisions to this policy shall be communicated to all relevant stakeholders, and employees shall acknowledge their understanding and acceptance of the updated policy.

 9. Conclusion

This Intellectual Property Policy ensures that the Company retains ownership of intellectual property created in the course of its operations, thereby safeguarding its interests and facilitating innovation and growth.

10. Contact Information

For inquiries or assistance regarding intellectual property matters, please contact the legal department at +91 848 284 1413.

5. Confidentiality

Confidentiality Policy

1. Introduction

1.1. Purpose: This Confidentiality Policy outlines the principles and procedures governing the protection and handling of confidential information by  Arotalk Global Private Limited ("the Company").

1.2. Scope: This policy applies to all employees, contractors, consultants, and third parties engaged in activities related to the Company, including but not limited to software development, IT consulting, technical support, and any other professional services.

2. Definition of Confidential Information

2.1. Confidential Information: Confidential information refers to any information disclosed by the Company or its clients that is not generally known to the public and is considered proprietary, sensitive, or confidential. This includes, but is not limited to:

         Business plans and strategies

         Financial information

         Intellectual property

         Client data and records

         Trade secrets and know-how

2.2. Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA): Employees, contractors, and third parties may be required to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) acknowledging their obligation to maintain the confidentiality of such information.

3. Confidentiality Obligations

3.1. Duty of Confidentiality: All individuals engaged in activities related to the Company shall maintain strict confidentiality regarding confidential information disclosed to them in the course of their work, both during and after the termination of their engagement.

3.2. Limited Disclosure: Confidential information shall only be disclosed to individuals on a need-to-know basis, and only to the extent necessary for the performance of their duties or obligations.

3.3. Use Restrictions: Confidential information shall not be used for any purpose other than the performance of duties or obligations related to the Company, without the express written consent of the disclosing party. 

4. Handling of Confidential Information

4.1. Secure Storage: Confidential information shall be stored securely, whether in physical or electronic form, using appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, or loss.

4.2. Access Controls: Access to confidential information shall be restricted to authorized individuals, and access permissions shall be reviewed periodically to ensure compliance with this policy.

4.3. Transmission and Sharing: Confidential information shall be transmitted and shared only through secure channels and methods approved by the Company, such as encrypted email or secure file transfer protocols.

5. Confidentiality Agreement

5.1. Acknowledgment: By engaging in activities related to the Company, employees, contractors, and third parties acknowledge their understanding of and agreement to abide by the confidentiality obligations outlined in this policy and any applicable Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA).

5.2. Training: Employees and contractors shall receive training on confidentiality policies and procedures to ensure awareness and compliance with their obligations.

6. Reporting and Enforcement

6.1. Reporting Violations: Any suspected violations of this Confidentiality Policy shall be reported promptly to the appropriate authority within the Company, such as the legal department or designated supervisor.

6.2. Disciplinary Action: Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment or contractual relationship, as well as legal action to enforce confidentiality obligations.

7. Policy Review and Update

7.1. Review: This Confidentiality Policy shall be reviewed periodically to ensure its effectiveness and alignment with changing laws, regulations, and business needs.

7.2. Update: Updates and revisions to this policy shall be communicated to all relevant stakeholders, and individuals shall acknowledge their understanding and acceptance of the updated policy.

8. Conclusion

This Confidentiality Policy ensures that the Company and its stakeholders uphold the highest standards of confidentiality in the handling and protection of confidential information, safeguarding the interests and trust of clients, partners, and stakeholders.

9. Contact Information

For inquiries or assistance regarding confidentiality matters, please contact the legal department at +91 848 284 1413

6. Data Privacy

Data Privacy Policy

1. Introduction

1.1. Purpose: This Data Privacy Policy outlines the principles and procedures governing the collection, use, disclosure, and protection of personal data by  Arotalk Global Private Limited ("the Company").

1.2. Scope: This policy applies to all personal data collected, processed, or stored by the Company in the course of its operations, including but not limited to software development, IT consulting, technical support, and any other professional services.

2. Definition of Personal Data

2.1. Personal Data: Personal data refers to any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person, directly or indirectly, including but not limited to:


         Contact information (e.g., email addresses, phone numbers)

         Identification numbers (e.g., social security numbers, passport numbers)

         Online identifiers (e.g., IP addresses, cookies)

         Biometric data

      Financial information

2.2. Sensitive Data: The Company may also collect and process sensitive personal data, such as health information or information revealing racial or ethnic origin, only with the explicit consent of the data subject or as permitted by applicable laws and regulations.

3. Collection and Use of Personal Data

3.1. Lawful Basis: The Company shall collect and process personal data only for lawful and legitimate purposes, with a lawful basis for processing as defined by applicable data protection laws and regulations.

3.2. Purpose Limitation: Personal data shall be collected and used only for specified, explicit, and legitimate purposes disclosed to the data subjects, and shall not be further processed in a manner incompatible with those purposes.

3.3. Data Minimization: The Company shall collect and process only the personal data that is adequate, relevant, and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which it is processed.

4. Data Security and Confidentiality

4.1. Security Measures: The Company shall implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the security, confidentiality, and integrity of personal data, protecting it against unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction.

4.2. Access Controls: Access to personal data shall be restricted to authorized individuals on a need-to-know basis, and access permissions shall be regularly reviewed and updated as necessary.

4.3. Data Breach Response: In the event of a data breach involving personal data, the Company shall promptly assess the impact, notify affected individuals and authorities as required by law, and take appropriate measures to mitigate the risk and prevent recurrence.

5. Data Subject Rights

5.1. Rights of Data Subjects: Data subjects have the right to access, rectify, delete, or restrict the processing of their personal data, as well as the right to data portability and the right to object to processing based on legitimate interests.

5.2. Data Subject Requests: The Company shall promptly respond to requests from data subjects exercising their rights, providing information or taking action as required by applicable data protection laws and regulations.

6. Data Transfers

6.1. International Transfers: The Company may transfer personal data to countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA) or other regions with different data protection laws, only with appropriate safeguards in place as required by applicable laws and regulations.

7. Accountability and Compliance

7.1. Data Protection Officer: The Company shall appoint a Data Protection Officer (DPO) responsible for overseeing compliance with data protection laws and regulations, handling data protection inquiries and complaints, and serving as a point of contact for data subjects and authorities.

7.2. Training and Awareness: Employees shall receive training on data privacy policies and procedures to ensure awareness and compliance with their obligations, and regular audits shall be conducted to assess and monitor compliance with this policy.

8. Policy Review and Update

8.1. Review: This Data Privacy Policy shall be reviewed periodically to ensure its effectiveness and alignment with changing laws, regulations, and industry standards.

8.2. Update: Updates and revisions to this policy shall be communicated to all relevant stakeholders, and employees shall acknowledge their understanding and acceptance of the updated policy.

9. Conclusion

This Data Privacy Policy ensures that the Company collects, uses, and protects personal data in compliance with applicable data protection laws and regulations, safeguarding the privacy and rights of data subjects and fostering trust and transparency in data handling practices.

10. Contact Information

For inquiries or assistance regarding data privacy matters, please contact the Data Protection Officer at +91 848 284 1413.

7. Limitation of Liability

Limitation of Liability Policy

1. Introduction

1.1. Purpose: This Limitation of Liability Policy outlines the principles and procedures governing the limitation of liability for  Arotalk Global Private Limited ("the Company") in the provision of services to its clients ("Clients").

1.2. Scope: This policy applies to all services provided by the Company, including but not limited to software development, IT consulting, technical support, and any other professional services.

2. Definition of Liability

2.1. Liability: Liability refers to the legal obligation of the Company to compensate Clients for damages, losses, or expenses incurred as a result of the Company's acts or omissions in the provision of services.

2.2. Types of Liability: Liability may arise from breach of contract, negligence, breach of statutory duty, or other causes of action recognized under applicable laws and regulations.

3. Limitation of Liability

3.1. Extent of Liability: To the fullest extent permitted by law, the liability of the Company for any and all claims, damages, losses, or expenses arising out of or in connection with the provision of services shall be limited.

3.2. Types of Damages: The limitation of liability applies to all types of damages, including but not limited to direct damages, indirect damages, incidental damages, consequential damages, and punitive damages.

3.3. Cap on Liability: The total liability of the Company, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), or otherwise, shall be capped at a maximum aggregate amount equal to [amount] or [percentage] of the total fees paid by the Client to the Company for the services giving rise to the liability, whichever is lower.

4. Exceptions to Liability Limitation

4.1. Exceptions: The limitation of liability shall not apply to:

         Claims arising from the Company's gross negligence, willful misconduct, or fraud.

         Claims for personal injury or death caused by the Company's negligence.

         Claims for breach of confidentiality or intellectual property infringement

         Claims arising from the Company's failure to comply with applicable laws or regulations.

5. Indemnification

5.1. Indemnification: To the extent permitted by law, the Client agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Company and its officers, directors, employees, and agents from and against all claims, damages, losses, or expenses arising out of or in connection with the Client's use of the services or breach of the agreement. 

6. Policy Review and Update

6.1. Review: This Limitation of Liability Policy shall be reviewed periodically to ensure its effectiveness and alignment with changing laws, regulations, and business needs.

6.2. Update: Updates and revisions to this policy shall be communicated to all relevant stakeholders, and Clients shall acknowledge their understanding and acceptance of the updated terms.

7. Conclusion

This Limitation of Liability Policy ensures that the Company's liability is limited to the extent permitted by law, providing clarity and certainty to both the Company and its Clients in the event of disputes or claims arising from the provision of services.

8. Contact Information

For inquiries or assistance regarding limitation of liability matters, please contact the legal department at +91 848 284 1413.

8. Termination

Termination Policy

1. Introduction

1.1. Purpose: This Termination Policy outlines the principles and procedures governing the termination of agreements, contracts, employment, or engagements with  Arotalk Global Private Limited ("the Company").

1.2. Scope: This policy applies to all termination scenarios involving the Company, including but not limited to contracts with clients, employment contracts, contractor agreements, and vendor agreements.

2. Termination of Contracts

2.1. Grounds for Termination: Contracts or agreements may be terminated for various reasons, including but not limited to:

         Breach of contract by either party

         Non-performance or failure to meet contractual obligations

         Mutual agreement of the parties

         Termination for convenience as specified in the contract

2.2. Notice Requirements: Unless otherwise specified in the contract, termination of contracts shall be preceded by a written notice specifying the grounds for termination and the effective date of termination.

3. Termination of Employment

3.1. Grounds for Termination: Employment may be terminated for cause or without cause, depending on the circumstances, including but not limited to:

         Poor performance or misconduct

         Redundancy or restructuring

         Mutual agreement of the parties

         Termination for cause as specified in the

employment contract or employee handbook

3.2. Notice Period: Employees shall be provided with a notice period prior to termination, as required by applicable employment laws, collective agreements, or employment contracts. Alternatively, employees may be paid in lieu of notice, subject to the terms of the employment contract or statutory requirements.

3.3. Severance Benefits: Employees terminated without cause may be entitled to severance pay or other termination benefits in accordance with applicable employment laws, collective agreements, or the Company's policies.

4. Contractor and Vendor Agreements

4.1. Termination Provisions: Contractor and vendor agreements shall include provisions specifying the conditions and procedures for termination, including notice requirements, termination fees, and post-termination obligations.

4.2. Notice and Transition: The Company shall provide contractors or vendors with appropriate notice of termination and work collaboratively to ensure a smooth transition of responsibilities and obligations.

5. Client Contracts and Service Agreements

5.1. Termination Clauses: Client contracts and service agreements shall include termination clauses outlining the rights and obligations of both parties in the event of termination, including notice requirements, termination fees, and post-termination arrangements.

5.2. Client Notification: The Company shall notify clients of any intent to terminate the contract in accordance with the terms specified in the agreement, providing sufficient notice and assistance to facilitate a transition of services, if necessary.

6. Exit Interviews

6.1. Exit Procedures: Upon termination of employment or engagement, employees, contractors, or vendors may be required to participate in an exit interview to provide feedback, return company property, and complete any necessary documentation.

6.2. Feedback and Learning: The Company shall use exit interviews as an opportunity to gather feedback, identify areas for improvement, and promote learning and development within the organization.

7. Policy Review and Update

7.1. Review: This Termination Policy shall be reviewed periodically to ensure its effectiveness and alignment with changing laws, regulations, and business needs.

7.2. Update: Updates and revisions to this policy shall be communicated to all relevant stakeholders, and employees, contractors, clients, and vendors shall acknowledge their understanding and acceptance of the updated terms.

8. Conclusion

This Termination Policy provides guidelines and procedures for the orderly and fair termination of contracts, employment, or engagements with the Company, ensuring compliance with applicable laws, protecting the interests of all parties involved, and promoting professionalism and respect in the termination process.

9. Contact Information

For inquiries or assistance regarding termination matters, please contact the human resources department at +91 848 284 1413. 

9. General Provisions

General Provisions Policy

1. Introduction

1.1. Purpose: This General Provisions Policy outlines the overarching principles and standard clauses applicable to agreements, contracts, and engagements entered into by  Arotalk Global Private Limited ("the Company").

1.2. Scope: This policy applies to all agreements, contracts, and engagements involving the Company, including but not limited to contracts with clients, employment contracts, contractor agreements, vendor agreements, and any other legal or business arrangements.

2. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

2.1. Governing Law: All agreements shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the jurisdiction in which the Company is incorporated or headquartered, unless otherwise specified in the agreement.

2.2. Jurisdiction: Any disputes arising out of or in connection with the agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in the aforementioned jurisdiction, to the extent permitted by applicable laws.

3. Entire Agreement

3.1. Entire Agreement Clause: The agreement constitutes the entire understanding and agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter thereof and supersedes all prior agreements, understandings, negotiations, and discussions, whether oral or written.

3.2. No Oral Modifications: Any modifications, amendments, or waivers of the agreement shall be valid only if made in writing and duly executed by authorized representatives of both parties.

4. Severability

4.1. Severability Clause: If any provision of the agreement is held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, such provision shall be severed from the agreement, and the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect to the fullest extent permitted by law.

5. Assignment

5.1. Assignment Clause: Neither party shall assign, transfer, or delegate any of its rights or obligations under the agreement without the prior written consent of the other party, except as expressly permitted herein.

6. Waiver

6.1. Waiver Clause: The failure of either party to enforce any provision of the agreement shall not constitute a waiver of such provision or any other provision thereof, nor shall any such waiver be deemed a waiver of any subsequent breach or default of the same or similar nature.

7. Force Majeure

7.1. Force Majeure Clause: Neither party shall be liable for any delay or failure to perform its obligations under the agreement due to causes beyond its reasonable control, including but not limited to acts of God, natural disasters, war, terrorism, strikes, or government actions ("Force Majeure Event").

7.2. Effects of Force Majeure: In the event of a Force Majeure Event, the affected party shall promptly notify the other party and take all reasonable steps to mitigate the effects of the Force Majeure Event, and the performance of its obligations under the agreement shall be suspended for the duration of the Force Majeure Event.

8. Amendment and Termination

8.1. Amendment: The agreement may be amended or modified only by a written instrument executed by authorized representatives of both parties.

8.2. Termination: The agreement may be terminated in accordance with its terms or by mutual agreement of the parties, subject to any notice requirements and obligations specified therein.

9. Policy Review and Update

9.1. Review: This General Provisions Policy shall be reviewed periodically to ensure its effectiveness and alignment with changing laws, regulations, and business needs.

9.2. Update: Updates and revisions to this policy shall be communicated to all relevant stakeholders, and agreements shall be amended accordingly.

10. Conclusion

This General Provisions Policy establishes the foundational principles and standard clauses governing agreements, contracts, and engagements involving the Company, providing clarity, consistency, and legal certainty to all parties involved.

11. Contact Information

For inquiries or assistance regarding general provisions matters, please contact the legal department at +91 848 284 1413.